
Thursday, March 31, 2011

K6JSS/4 - North Carolina

I just finished working Joe W2KJ as K6JSS/4 in North Carolina to keep the streak alive.  Joe mentioned that he was on 40 Meters on QRP-L.  I nabbed him first call after he finished a QSO with Jim W1FMR.  There was a ton of very close, loud QRM.  Once again, the K2's crystal filters came to the rescue.  And I didn't have to tighten up all that much.  The first filter setting blocked out the offending signals, allowing me to hear Joe's wonderful 2 Watt, 589 signal.

The QSO was completed using the 88' EDZ.  I must say that, in the few weeks that it has been up, that I am pretty pleased with it.  It seems to work a ton better on 30 Meters, where I zero success with the G5RV on that band.  Granted, it's not a 100' tower with a yagi at the top; but it is what I have space for and can afford.  So in that regard, it's great!

Looks like we're going to dodge a bullet here, as the April Fool's snowstorm predicted for tomorrow will be a rain event here.  Snow will occur in NY state, primarily along the Hudson River Valley.  You know?  It's going to be April for crying out loud!  Time for flowers and bunnies and duckies to be prancing out on the lawn - not more white stuff!  I've had it with the winter of 2010/2011 and am ready for Spring and Summer time.

Hey - a last thought ...... don't forget that this weekend is the QRP-ARCI Spring QSO Party.  Rules and details here:

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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