
Friday, April 01, 2011

Four months in

April Fools!

We're now four months into 2011.  Wow, time flies by fast!

Looking back on my last post for 2010 and looking at my Ham Radio resolutions, I see that I have only really kept one so far.  I have been on the air more so far this year.  In fact, my QSO tally is about 20% higher than it was at this same point, last year.

The other resolutions can't really be touched until warmer weather returns and I can get more done outside.  But I did take care of one thing that didn't even make the resolution list and that was putting up the new wire.

Hopefully during the summer months, I will get more radials down for the HF9V and I will get that 160 Meter vertical built.  The Butternut continues to amaze me as to how good a performer it is.  Since I removed it from the coax switch and put it directly on the K2 as "Antenna 2",  it's been my mainstay.

Tomorrow and Sunday, I hope to spend time in the QRP-ARCI Spring QSO Party. Meeting old acquaintances and perhaps making new friends.  Keep your ears peeled for #4488 (that would be me!).

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hi Larry, tonight I will be QRV with CW on 20 meter and 40 meter, depends on conditions. Good luck with the contest. 73 Paul

  2. Good morning Larry, I too am going to give some operating time to the QRP-ARCI contest this weekend. Unfortunally I will not have a member number for this test. I have been in contact with Jay W5JAY regarding an award that is being mailed to me. I procrastinated my membership and for that this year will be operating with just power output and not a member number.
