
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A nice surprise

was in the mail when I got home from work - an envelope from the ARRL.  I had recently updated my LOTW log and sent in an application for a bunch of DXCC entities that I had worked.  That application put  me over the 150 DXCC entities worked mark, so the League sent me a little "DXCC 150" sticker for my basic certificate.  I am surmising that you can get an endorsement stickers for multiples of 50 DXCC entities worked, ie 150, 200, 250, 300 and finally 320 and then Honor Roll, I guess.

This submission brought me up to 151 confirmed.  I actually have 3 or 4 more in the log with stations that do not use LOTW, so I will have to get their confirmations the old fashioned way.

In addition to those 3 or 4 I just mentioned, you can add another, as I worked SX5KL in the Dodecanese Islands for another new DXCC entity worked.  I actually worked him twice (yes, I know I'm a hog) once QRO and then about 90 minutes later QRP.  The first time, he was about a 579 here - 90 minutes later, he was blasting through at 599+ and the pileup wasn't very fierce.  So I took the chance and got through the second time with 5 Watts and thanked him for listening to my QRP signal.

On an entirely different note, I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes for a very safe journey to all of you out there who are traveling toward FDIM and Hamvention.  I hope the weather is great for you and that you all have a great time.  I wish that I could be with you guys at FDIM, and finally meet face to face with so many of you that I have come to consider to be good friends.

To paraphrase W.C. Fields - "All things considered, I'd rather be in Dayton".

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hello Larry,

    Congratulations!! Getting confirmation on that many DXCC stations is a great accomplishment.

  2. That's great Larry! Until reading your post I had never even heard of the Dodecanese Islands so that's a new one for me. Getting a new DXCC entity is always an exciting thing for me as well. I think a large part of it is because we operate QRP or QRPp and we're just so pleased that our small signals can still get out there.

    Scott - ve3vvf
