
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hello Dayton !!!!

Are any of my readers at FDIM and/or Hamvention?

Do you have anything you'd like to share?  Comments, stories, news items?

Anybody not at Dayton that wants to relate a favorite memory or anything else?

Just for this weekend, I've taken off some of the restrictions on commenting, including allowing anonymous comments - but please, give your name and call sign!  (I will delete offensive or spam comments.)

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Heading to Dayton tonight!

  2. David Bixler11:10 PM

    Hi Larry:

    Check out Ten-Tec's new QRP radio at:

    Was just announced today.

    73, Dave W0CH (not at Dayton)

  3. Larry,

    I sure wish I was there! I always have a place to stay as my grandparents live just outside of Dayton. My grandmother just turned 90 and I missed that AND Dayton this year. But, Dayton is in my plans for 2014 since we will be living much closer. Sad story is, I lived in Ohio most of my life and never attended Dayton. Ashamed to admit that but sometimes when something is in your own backyard, you take it for granted. No longer! Dayton 2014 or bust for this ham! :0) Phil KL8DX

  4. I'm lucky to live about an hour away from Dayton and made my second trip there this year... Had a great time and picked up a few things while there.
    Heard the best joke ever: You know how copper wire was invented ??
    It was the result of two Hams fighting over a copper penny !

