Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Is stating that the new Xeigu X6200 will start shipping next week - Radio Shipping Out Date - Before June 17th.

And here's the sales pitch:

Precision RF Direct Sampling: Transform your communication with our advanced RF Direct Sampling System. Enjoy crystal-clear signal quality across HF/50MHz bands, including WFM/Airband reception, ensuring seamless transmission and reception.

Versatile Radio Operation: The X6200 supports a wide range of communication modes, including SSB, CW, AM, NFM, DIGI, and WFM. It's perfect for both enthusiasts and professionals to meet all your communication needs.

Portable Design: The Xiegu X6200 features a compact frame, a built-in replaceable 3200mAh battery, and substantial interference shielding. It's your one-stop solution for both desktop and field POTA activities, offering 4-5 hours of operation time on a single charge.

Advanced User Interface: Featuring a 4-inch high-resolution color screen paired with a sensitive receiver for fine signal analysis, the X6200 ensures a superior user experience. From spectrum displays with waterfalls to wide bandwidth spectral views, every detail is at your fingertips.

Automatic Antenna Tuner: The built-in automatic antenna tuner ensures optimal signal reception and transmission, facilitating smooth and efficient communication in any environment.

Seamless Connectivity: With an integrated sound card, FT8 decoder, and support for BT/WIFI operations, the Xiegu X6200 offers easy wireless control and connectivity, making setup and operation a breeze.
The price point is $799.00 - and no doubt about it, it's a very attractive radio.

Seems like a good deal, right? Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but a friend had a Xiegu G90 which failed. His only recourse is to send it back to China for an out-of-warranty repair. Just something to keep in mind - that as of yet, Xiegu has no US based repair facility of their own, nor have they established a service contract to any third party based in the US. $800 is a good chunk of change with no guaranteed repair service behind it. Just sayin'.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I had two 6100 radios. Both failed for various reasons, one was exchanged and I got a refund when the exchange unit failed. Never got the promised features.
