Friday, March 21, 2025

Weekend 3/22 and 3/23

 Here's what's on the bands this weekend:


AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest -

FOC QSO Party -

Russian YL/OM Contest -

Africa All Mode International DX Contest -

Next Tuesday night:

SKCC Sprint -

Special Event Stations:

03/22/2025 | Battle of New Bern Adventure Day Special Event

Mar 22, 1600Z-2000Z, N4B, New Bern, NC. New Bern Amateur Radio Club. 14.330 7.065. QSL. John Riley, 980 Dry Monia Road, New Bern, NC 28562.

03/22/2025 | Cherry Blossom Special Event Station

Mar 22, 1400Z-2000Z, W4BKM, Macon, GA. Macon Amateur Radio Club. 7.225 14.240. Certificate. Macon Amateur Radio Club, 305 Millwood Court, Macon, GA 31210.

03/22/2025 | The White House Communications Agency 83rd Anniversary

Mar 22-Mar 29, 0000Z-0000Z, W0H, Jackson, OH. White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club. 3.875 7.275 14.250 28.550. Certificate. Lowell Yates, 6809 Four Mile Rd, Jackson, OH 45640.

03/23/2025 | The White House Communications Agency 83rd Anniversary Special Event

Mar 23-Mar 25, 0000Z-0000Z, W0H, Jackson, OH. White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club. 3.875 7.275 14.250 28.550. Certificate. Lowell Yates, 6809 Four Mile Rd, Jackson, OH 45640. Join the White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club Amateur Radio club with the 83'rd anniversary celebration of the establishment by President Roosevelt of the White House Communications Agency.

Personally, I'll be working on Skeeter Hunt certificates from last Summer and maybe I can get on the air and work a few POTA stations.

Looking at the KX, KH, AX io group this morning, I'm still seeing people posting about what they'd like to see in a KX4, and how they'd be willing to plunk down money today, if they could get the features they want.. I've got to get in touch with some of these guys and ask if they'd consider adopting me. They seem to be of the sort where money is no object when it comes to rigs. Maybe I can get adopted and get a huge allowance. For me, deciding to buy the QMX at under two bills was quite the financial decision!

Enjoy your weekend!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate the SE lineup. If they are radio related, I'm in. Like your personal observation at the end. 72/73. Dick F8WBD
