Friday, July 28, 2006

Flight of the Bumblebees

This Sunday, the Adventure Radio Society is putting on their annual "outdoor" contest, The Flight of the Bumblebees. The object is to go somewhere, preferably by walking, hiking, cycling, canoeing, etc; and set up a portable outdoor QRP station. Under these conditions, you try to work as many stations as possible. The stations out in the field are "bees" and are assigned a number. I'm number 57 and as of right now, there are 257 Hams who have signed up to act as "bees".

I will be going to a park here in town and will be setting up station using my K1 and a NorCal doublet, which I will hopefully be able to get up in the trees in the park. Failing that, I'll have my Buddistick vertical as a back up. Power will be provided by a 12V 7 Ah sealed lead acid battery. It will be connected to a solar panel; and I'll have another as back up.

The contest runs from 1:00 PM to 5:OO PM on Sunday, which is only four hours and is about my limit for a Sprint. It's going to be a hot one, with temperatures predicted to be in the 90s for the next five days!

I missed Field Day; as it was a washout here in New Jersey. So I'm really psyched up for this event. I don't know how many QSOs that I'll be able to complete; but I'm sure going to have fun! Maybe I'll even get some photos taken for the "ARS Sojourner", the on line e-zine of the Adventure Radio Society.

Hope to work you Sunday afternoon!

73 de Larry W2LJ

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