I'm glad I only ordered 100; because after approving the draft, I have already thought up a few changes! Naturally, I thought of these changes AFTER I approved the job!
I'm very happy with the design; but I think that the next batch will include in text the name of the organizations that I belong to, instead of graphics. I think that will give it a less cluttered look. Also, I can include (maybe) a list of the more major operating awards that I have earned up until this point of my Ham career.
I have to hand it it Sue and Hal at CheapQSLs.com, though. These two folks are pros in every sense of the word. Not only do they provide high quality (but inexpensive) QSL cards; but they also do it in a most timely manner with the highest degree of professionalism and the most friendliest manner that you could ever want! Companies that offer fantastic customer service seem to be on the "endangered species" list these days. Luckily, CheapQSLs.com is there to offer fast, friendly and more than competent service.
73 de Larry W2LJ
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