Saturday, August 24, 2024


 So Yaesu introduced a new radio at the Tokyo Ham Fair:

It is the FTX-1, an all mode HF, 6M, 2M, 70cm radio - with an output of 10 Watts. Just what fans of the Yaesu  FT-817 have been anxiously waiting for ....... right? It will be available for purchasing early in 2025. It is probably Yaesu's hope to knock ICOM's IC-705 off the top seller pedestal. I'll not go into the details on the specs of the radio as certainly you'll be able to not help but see them in the coming days and weeks.

But to my post title ..... "Clueless".  Is Yaesu clueless? Certainly not! But as a QRP'er, I have to belly laugh at some of the reactions from Hams who either don't know any better, or worse ....... lack any skill, patience or determination. Those are who I am referring to as "clueless". For example, some reactions from Facebook (no names or call signs will be posted here).

"Joke 10 watts 😩, Unreal"

"QRP. Zzzz. Make an FT-857D replacement Yaesu!"

"I can't imagine putting out that much money for something that weak. Two screens. Cool, I guess. But just okay otherwise."

"On top of that with only 6 Watts on battery power it's not going to be very useful for people chasing DX let alone Dxpeditions.. breaking a pile up with 100 w and a wire antenna is hard enough as it is.."

"But then again that's not what this radio appears to be designed for, it seems like they're targeting the Doomsday Preppers ( aka bunker diggers ) and qrp guys."

I guess these guys just don't understand QRP, or never tried it, or tried it and didn't have what it takes to make it work. Yeah, sometimes breaking through the pileups for DXpeditions can be tough, but I've done it and I know tons of you out there have done it too. And DXCC via QRP isn't all that difficult. Heck, I've heard of guys doing it in one weekend when the ARRL DX or CQWW DX contests are on.

I guess it's kind of like FT-8 in a certain way. I've never tried it, and I don't quite understand how to make it work, or even have the desire to, but I'm certainly not going to knock the people who do. Although, in all honesty, I have chuckled at a few good natured jokes I've seen about it - but no disrespect is intended for anyone who loves the digital modes. It's just not my cup of tea - so why disparage the people who love it?

Amateur Radio is a big tent. Everyone should be welcome.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I’ve also seen folks saying how Yaesu has a lot of catching up to do with the IC-705 and the Xeigu offering. First of all the Xeigu have their place but you’re going to become an expert at loading firmware and working around bugs that may never get fixed. The IC 705 is amazing and it’s enjoined a honeymoon period. It has set the bar high on features and price…. If Yaesu can find some efficiencies to keep the price reasonable there will be no contest. But there is the word contest. We like to compare and contrast. But both of these companies are running their own race. Yaesu has nothing to prove here. The FT-817/818 radio is still loved and has a healthy used market. It also had a 22year production run. Yaesu is leading in this space. I hope the FTX-1f is great and reasonably priced. If so I’ll be buying one.

  2. Lenny W2BVH4:01 PM

    I built the NJQRP Tuna Tin Two in 2000 for $10. I thought of it as a cheap novelty item. My 3rd Q with it was Italy (with 330 mW on a center fed zepp). So, not really a novelty item. Had 100's of Q's with it. I've come to regard QRP as the "fly fishing" of ham radio: it takes persistence, knowledge and some luck, but you get a real sense of accomplishment from it. I hope some of the clueless guys will get clued in.
