Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Skeeter Hunt Results

Just a word about Skeeter Hunt log summaries.

I did receive about 90 on Sunday and  more Monday and Tuesday. I am working on transferring data to my Scoreboard spreadsheet (a different spreadsheet from the roster which you can all still see) as quickly as I can. I do send out confirmation e-mails to all of you who have submitted summaries. I'm sure a lot of you have gotten that e-mail from me, already.

I plan to be all caught up with this by the weekend. So if you've submitted a log and are wondering why you haven't heard from me ......... I'm working on it. This event started off very small in 2012. It has grown by leaps and bounds since then and I could not be a happier Ham. I'm hoping that by this time next year, I will have retired and that I will be able to devote more time to responding to all of you  more quickly after the Hunt.

I want you all to know, that this is not a complaint on my part! I am thrilled and ecstatic that so many of you participated! I just want you to know what the delay is and not to worry that I haven't gotten your entries. 

This is a 3 step process. 

1) I transfer your scores to the Scoreboard,  

2) I post your Soapbox comments to the Skeeter Hunt Facebook page, that is taking a bit more time. 

3) I send the confirming e-mail. 

So ......... if you don't receive anything from me by Sunday 8/25 - that's when I would start thinking about re-sending entries.

I will post the final Scoreboard on Monday, September 2nd. I will be sending out e-mails to the various iO Groups and e-mail reflectors on Sunday with a reminder that log summaries are due.

Thanks for your patience!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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