Saturday, October 16, 2010


Just a reminder that this weekend is the QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party.  The seasonal QSO Parties remain as the most popular of the QRP contests.  I will always work some QRPers during these contests that I never seem to hear in any of the smaller Sprints.

This contest is a 36 hour event; so even the most busy QRPers should be able to find a few spare hours to get on the air.  As Kelly K4UPG would say, this is a prime opportunity for us CPG's (contest point givers) to get on the air and hand out some points to the dedicated contest ops.  To make matters even better, solar conditions, while not superb, have been decent as of late.  At least there have been no major geomagnetic anomalies to curtail activity.

All the pertinent details can be found at the QRP ARCI Website; or you can simply click here for the straight skinny.

So if you want to A) Increase your code speed,  B) Hone your contesting skills, or C) Just have some fun ....... here is a grand opportunity to do D) All of the above!

73 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Larry Im in the thick of it now....3 contacts...:) but I am having fun and I hope as the evening comes the test will pickup. Good luck and hope to hear you in there Larry
