Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Cheated weekend

Saturday was a CERT day. No complaints there. The local Elks Lodge had their annual summer picnic and they didn't have enough parking in their lot. There's a church across the street which donated the use of their lot for the day - but it's a busy street, a very busy street. The CERT team was dispatched to help these folks cross safely and not get squooshed,

The weather prognosticators got Sunday totally wrong! Severe thunderstorms were forecast all day and into the night. We never got a boom, flash, or drop of rain but with the forecast in mind, I didn't want to undertake any serious outdoor activity only to have to rush bringing equipment back inside. I was hoping to spend some time on the air in the backyard with my KM4CFT EFRW, checking it out for proper operation before I put the heatshrink over the connector end.

Then on Sunday night, I awoke in the middle of the night with with what turned out to be a stomach bug. Cara, my daughter, had it last week and it must have germinated in me. Sunday night and Monday were miserable. I don't need to go into detail. I'm sure you've all experienced the same. It's no fun at all, and that precluded me from participating in the CERT activities for the South Plainfield Labor Day parade and the fireworks display at night. And it was a good thing that I decided to post the Skeeter Hunt results early Sunday evening instead of Monday, as I was a bit "indisposed".

But if there's a silver lining, while I was taking it easy and surfing the net, I came across this photo on the Facebook POTA page, from Bert Schmitz - he didn't give his call sign:

Something that never entered my mind! Make legs for my Jackite holder to stabilize it better. I'd still use the CamJams and tent stakes, because a sudden gust of wind could spell disaster, especially if all the PVC pieces are not cemented into place. The beauty part of it is that it would be standing upright on its own without me having to go through a balancing act while pounding in the stakes and tightening the ropes on the CamJams.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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