Thursday, September 05, 2024

Everybody likes a freebie

and it's even better when that freebie isn't a piece of junk or something worthless that you'll end up just tossing aside, only to be forgotten and never seen or used again.

So I hope you know about The K9YA Telegraph. It's a high quality, free e-zine devoted to Amateur Radio that can be downloaded each month. For the details, go to 

After you sign up, you'll receive an e-mail each month with the link where you can download the latest issue.

The e-zine was founded in 2002 and I signed up for it right about then. The articles are always interesting and if I remember correctly, they even published a piece of mine in one of their issues. I'm thinking of writing another about the original W2LJ and submitting it to them for publication.

In addition to the fine writing, good friend and artist exemplar Jeff Murray K1NSS always has an illustration included in each issue. 

I'm not affiliated with the publication in any way other than as an appreciative reader. The fact that it's free is icing on the cake! In Senior year of high school, I had a History teacher whose favorite throwaway line was "There's no such thing as a free lunch". And while most of the time that's true, every rule has an exception. In this case, The K9YA Telegraph is that exception.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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