Saturday, August 08, 2009

Amateur Radio T-Shirts

I was participating in the Great American Pastime today, standing in line for something, when my mind wandered and I started thinking about Amateur Radio T-Shirts. An odd thing to start thinking about, for sure; but that's where my mind went.

I have several T-Shirts with an Amateur Radio theme on them; and a lot of them I don't wear outside the house. The reasons vary. Some are poorly made and others, quite frankly, look stupid. I don't know what I was thinking when I purchased them.

Two however, have become favorites of mine and I don't mind wearing them outside the house. Both of these are ARRL Field Day T-shirts and I think they are classics. The ARRL produces a new Field Day T-Shirt every year; and some are definitely not winners. This one from a few years back IS a winner.

This design was put on a black T-Shirt; and in my opinion, was the classiest T-Shirt that the ARRL had come up with to that point. It is a relatively simple design that conveys a message with a minimum of words; and quite frankly, looks pretty sharp.

My other top pick is THIS year's Field Day T-Shirt. I've worn it today; and I'm still wearing it right now, even as I type this.

This design on a Forest Green T-Shirt (which is my favorite color) is a classic that I will wear many times in the future. I think I'm going to go to the ARRL Website and buy another or two before they run out. (Rats! Too late!)

What makes these classics, in my mind? The design is simple and clean. They are not overly complicated or "cute". They are easy on the eyes and are not "busy" and cluttered. In essence, they follow the QRP philosophy in my mind ..... "Do More With Less".

I hope the ARRL continues to use whomever it might be that designed this year's Field Day logo and will keep coming up with superior designs in the future.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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