I got to the park a little bit later than I had planned; but the main chore, setting up the antenna took less time than I had anticipated - less than 10 minutes! I used my EFHW wire, the first 18 feet or so supported by the crappie pole.
My operating position
After that, I shot a line into a tree down aways. My home brewed antenna launcher got a line over a 30 foot branch in a neighboring tree on the first shot! So from the crappie pole, I had an "Inverted L" going to a very respectable height.
This tree supported the other end of the antenna.
I ended up using the K1 for the entire event; as the first thing I did was to listen on 15 Meters, but found the band to be dead. The K1's autotuner handled the EFHW quite nicely and was able to give me a match with nary a problem. I was able to switch between 20 and 40 Meters quickly and pain free. As I watched the output power scale while transmitting, it was obvious on each band that I was getting a full 5 Watts out with no power being "folded back". Good job, K1 !
Antenna connection behind the K1.
In all, I worked 36 stations - 7 of them on 40 Meters and the rest on 20 Meters. I worked 28 Bees and 8 "Home" stations for a score of 3024. If there was any disappointment to be found, it was the lack of activity on 40 Meters. I thought I'd catch some more of my "local" friends there.
But even with that mild disappointment, it ended up being a perfect day. Working stations while outdoors, feeling a breeze on your face, breathing in nice, fresh air - that's what this is all about! If I had worked only 5 stations or had worked 200 - I could be no more pleased than I feel right now. Time to savor it as it will pass all too quickly.
But even with that mild disappointment, it ended up being a perfect day. Working stations while outdoors, feeling a breeze on your face, breathing in nice, fresh air - that's what this is all about! If I had worked only 5 stations or had worked 200 - I could be no more pleased than I feel right now. Time to savor it as it will pass all too quickly.
I ended up dismantling the station around 4:30 EDT, as I wasn't hearing anyone new on 20 Meters and 40 was dead, as I had mentioned earlier. Besides, the park's citizenry were starting to get a little too used to me, another sign that I was starting to wear out my welcome.
It was good to hear so many stations buzzing around! And we were all spread out quite nicely - no little pileup clump concentrated on the precious real estate around 14.060 MHz. I look forward to sharing the results with you after I get them in and tabulated.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
If you want to see another FOBB story, in a MUCH, MUCH more photogenic setting, check out W1PID's FOBB tale: http://www.w1pid.com/fobb11/fobb11.html
If you want to see another FOBB story, in a MUCH, MUCH more photogenic setting, check out W1PID's FOBB tale: http://www.w1pid.com/fobb11/fobb11.html