However, things will be getting back to normal soon - mind you, things haven't been bad here - just different. I don't want to go into detail; just suffice it to say the situation should be returning to more of a normal mode very soon.
However, I wanted to take a few moments to wish all my friends, Ham radio and otherwise, as well as those of you who have been regular readers in the past, a very Happy Thanksgiving.
We all have a lot to be grateful for. Friends, family, jobs, hobbies and homes round out just some of the good things that surround us. God has been very good to us as individuals and as a Nation. No matter how bad it might seem at times, the Almighty still looks out for us and continues to watch over our lives, prosperity and freedom. He has been VERY good to us; and it is fitting that we set aside this day to bow our heads and offer a prayer of thanks.
Some of the more secular in society think the day should be spent by giving thanks to the Indians for helping out the Pilgrims or some such other nonsense like that. No, plain and simple the day was meant to humble ourselves and give thanks to God for the wonderful bounty he has given and continues to give us.
Personally, I am most grateful for my wife and kids, my Mom and my sister and her family, my wife's family, my many Ham radio friends and acquaintances, my home, my job, this wonderful Country and its Constitution, as well as our magnificent Armed Forces who volunteer everything to keep us free!
I will go on bended knee to thank God for everything He has given me. Without Him, I would have nothing; and I would be nothing. The secular atheists probably have a big problem with that kind of statement; but that's their problem!
But, in addition to offering prayers of thanks, I would implore you to also put your Faith "where your mouth is", so to speak. Now that Christmastide will be upon us soon, it is so easy to forget the less fortunate among us during this crazy and busy time of year. The next time you go grocery shopping for your family, I would ask that you please consider buying a few bucks worth of non-perishable food items and take them to your local church, synagogue or food bank. There are many among us who lack even the basic necessities. There is no better way to express thanks for your bounty than by sharing it with those who are in need.
We Christians are reminded that Jesus once said that "The least you do for the least of your brothers and sisters, you also do for Me". Amen!
Once again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
73 de Larry W2LJ
PS: Hear you in the big DX contest this weekend? ;)