NJQRP Skeeter Hunt

"QRP and the Great Outdoors ..... perfect together!"

The 2024 Skeeter Hunt Roster can be seen here.

Scroll down for the links to the Scoreboards and Soapbox pages.

Join us on Facebook here.

The NJQRP Club is announcing the 13th Annual " Skeeter Hunt".  The objective is to get QRPers out of their shacks for the day; and into the fresh air and sunshine, to spread their wings and fill the airwaves with "Skeeters".  While commercial equipment can certainly utilized, bonus points will be awarded for those who personally home brewed their own or kit built their own  transceiver or separate transmitter/receiver (equipment not built by the operator would not count as either home brewed or kit built - it would be considered commercial equipment).  This year, the event is to be held on Sunday August 18th, 2024.  It will be a four hour sprint - from 17:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC (1:00 TO 5:00 PM EDT). 

QRP stations who wish to be designated as "Skeeters" can get a Skeeter number by requesting one by sending an e-mail (with your name, call sign and the state from which you will be operating) no sooner than 12:01 AM EDT on June 20th to w2ljqrp@gmail.com  You do not have to operate portable to be a Skeeter!  Please let me know if you intend to operate from a state other than your home state as listed on QRZ. Skeeter numbers will be issued from June 20th (the First Day of Summer) through the day before the event. Skeeter requests by e-mail only, please! I am very likely to miss requests submiited by social media.

Station Classes and Multipliers
X1 Home stations - commercial transceiver or separates
X2 Home stations - home brewed or kit built transceiver or separates
X3 Portable station - commercial transceiver or separates
X4 Portable station - home brewed or kit built transceiver or separates

Portable stations cannot use permanent antennas, i.e you can't work from your backyard, hook up to your dipole or tower and yagi and be considered a portable station. Also, portable stations cannot be connected to the local power grid - alternative energy sources must be used - solar, battery, wind, etc. Mobile stations (which are considered to be portable stations for this event) CAN use whatever permanent antennas may be mounted on their vehicles.

Multi-Op Stations: - Great idea!  Want to get together with some of your best buds to have a barbeque and hunt some Skeeters?  FB deal, OM!  When you send in your log, send the calls of everyone who participated under that call and or Skeeter number. 

Suggested Call - Either CQ QRP or CQ BZZ

Exchange -
Skeeter Stations - RST, S/P/C, Skeeter number
Non-Skeeter Stations - RST, S/P/C, Output power (For example - 559 NY 5W)
Note: For those of you new to contesting, "S/P/C" refers to your "State" (US), "Province" (Canada), or "Country" (DX).

Mode – CW, SSB 
Power - 5W max CW, 10 Watts max SSB

Scoring -
Working a Skeeter Station - 3 points
Working a non-Skeeter, but QRP station - 2 points
Working any other QRO station - 1 point

NOTE: Stations can be worked on different bands for QSO points, but S/P/C's only count once for multiplier credit. For example. if you work W2LJ on 40, 20 and 15 Meters, that would count as three different Skeeter QSOs, but you can only count NJ once for S/P/C multiplier credit.

BONUS POINTS! - To earn an extra 500 bonus points, just print out the official NJQRP Skeeter Hunt logo (as seen above) and, on the day of the event, take a picture of your Skeeter station with the logo prominently displayed somewhere in the picture and post it to social media (Facebook, X, or Instagram) and accompany it with the hashtag #NJQRPSkeeterHunt. If posting to social media is not your thing, send it along with your log summary.

Suggested frequencies:
The QRP "Watering Holes"

For CW
80 Meters ~ 3.560 MHz
40 Meters ~ 7.040 and 7.030 MHz - also consider using from 7.114 to 7.122 MHz for a "slower" speed CW area.  We want to have everyone involved!
20 Meters ~ 14.060 MHz
15 Meters ~ 21.060 MHz
10 Meters ~ 28.060 MHz

80 Meters ~ 3.985 MHz
40 Meters ~ 7.285 MHz
20 Meters ~ 14.285 MHz
15 Meters ~ 21.385 MHz
10 Meters ~ 28.885 MHz, and for those Novices and Technicians wanting to try a little SSB QRP - try hanging around 28.385 MHz.

These are suggested starting points, of course. Feel free to spread out and give your "Skeeter" wings a chance to do their thing.

For those of you who are new to QRP contesting, or contesting in general, here's how a sample QSO might go:

I call CQ

K2NBC hears me and comes bac to me:

I give him my half of the exchange:

He copied me and gives me his hlf of the exchange:
BK TU UR 559 NJ NR 5960 BK - if he had a Skeeter number. If he's not a Skeeter, he would send: BK TU UR 559 NJ 5W BK

If I copied him, I would finish and go on to my next CQ:

If I didn't copy , I would ask for fills or repeats - and that's all there is to it!

CW Only and SSB Only, or Mixed Operating will be considered separate categories. Please indicate with your log summary which category you are participating as.

Log summaries, can be sent to w2ljqrp@gmail.com no later than 14 days after the event.

Photos and soapbox comments are to be loaded onto the Facebook page

Please note that when you send in your log summary, you will receive a confirming e-mail. If you do not receive a "Thank You" e-mail, your entry was not received - so please try again!

Please no ADIF, Cabrillo or N1MM files! Here's an example of a summary that can be used:

Larry - W2LJ - NJ
Skeeter #13 - All CW
Single Op
Skeeter QSOs - 23
Non-Skeeter QRP QSOs - 5
Non-Skeeter QRO QSOs - (if any)
S/P/Cs - 18
Station Class Multiplier X4
Bonus - TBD

Hope to hear and work all of you during this year's event. Special thanks to the NJQRP club for their sponsorship!

Here are the answers to a few questions asked so far:

Question - "Why don't I get to keep my Skeeter Number from year to year?"

Answer - It's all part of the fun! Lower Skeeter Numbers seem to be favored and in-demand. By applying for a new number each year, it allows everyone to have a shot at a low number.

Question - "Is self spotting allowed?"

Answer - Why not? This isn't a hard core "contester's contest", just a fun little QRP Sprint. Feel free to post to QRPSPOTS, but please mention "Skeeter Hiunt" in the comments.

Question - "I have a question that you or someone else may have the answer to. At one time, several years ago wasn't there a transmitter project that was called a 'MOSquito'? It possibly was a transceiver. If I recall it was in one of the magazines, CQ, 73, or Ham Radio."

Answer - I think you're thinking of the Miss Mosquita - The DL QRP Project still has that kit available:

Question - "Do I have to be a resident of NJ to get a NJQRP number?"

Answer - I'm assuming you mean a Skeeter number. Certainly not!  Anyone worldwide, who desires a Skeeter number can have one.  And as far as I know, NJQRP numbers are still given out when you join NJQRP - anyone can join that fine organization, also.  For the record, W2LJ's NJQRP number is 47.

Question - "Any thought about multiop or multi multi stations? A couple of us are thinking of a cookout and contest afternoon."

Answer - No, I hadn't, but it sounds like a cool idea to me!  Want to get a group together and have a cookout and get some radio in?  Sure!  All I ask is when you submit your log, to list the operators who participated.   Of course, this will be considered a separate operating class - but no problem with that.  I will make note of it when I update the rules.

Question - "You'll probably need to add some clarification on the "Kit" points. Some of the other "homebrew" contests are not counting modular kits like the K3 and KX3 as homebrew anymore, does this contest?"

Answer - This might rankle a few purists. But as far as I am concerned, for the Skeeter Hunt, here's the definition of "kit built". The operator's hands were involved in more than 50% of the building of the kit. Solder need not necessarily be involved. If you built a K3 or KX3 with your own hands, it counts. If you finished a kit (half of it or more, I will let the entrant judge that for himself) that someone else started, it counts. If you're using a PFR3A or a KX1 or whatever and you didn't build it yourself? Consider it commercial equipment. The idea here is to have fun and not get too trapped in the details. The honor system will rule - there will be no checking.  If anyone homebrews a key or paddle for the Skeeter hunt, please send a photo with your entry!

Question - "I am assuming it is ok for skeeters to operate in the field for the event?"

Answer - That's the whole idea!  Get out with your gear, get on the air and then share your tale of adventure with the rest of us!

2012 Scoreboard click here.
2012 Soapbox click here.

2013 Scoreboard - click here.
2013 Soapbox - click here.

2014 Scoreboard - click here.
2014 Soapbox - click here.

2015 Scoreboard - click here.
2015 Soapbox - click here.

2016 Scoreboard - click here.
2016 Soapbox - click here

2017 Scoreboard - click here.
2017 Soapbox - click here.

2018 Scoreboard - click here.
2018 Soapbox Page 1 - click here.
2018 Soapbox Page 2 - click here.

2019 Scoreboard - click here.
2019 Soapbox Page 1 - click here.
2019 Soapbox Page 2 - click here.
2019 Soapbox Page 3 - click here.

2020 Scoreboard - click here.
2020 Soapbox Page 1 - click here.
2020 Soapbox Page 2 - click here.
2020 Soapbox Page 3 - click here.

2021 Scoreboard - click here.
2021 Soapbox - Go to Facebook - click here

2022 Scoreboard - click here
2022 Soapbox - Go to Facebook - click here

2023 Scoreboard - click here.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    For 10M SSB how about a suggested frequency between 28.300 and 28.500 so Technician class hams in the US can participate?

  2. Excellent suggestion! How about 28.385 MHz.

  3. Larry I queued up my 2012 Skeeter video on my channel to help generate some interest:

    Don't let the DEET get ya! ...says Peanut

  4. Sorry, Larry ...Peanut Goat came up with some catch lines for your NJQRP event

    "Skeeter Hunt ...Stay Thirsty my Friends".

    "Skeeter Hunt ...that sucks!"
    "Skeeter Hunt ...it's a 'bloody' FUN!"
    "Skeeter Hunt ...donate blood"
    "Skeeter Hunt ...itching for fun!"
    "Skeeter Hunt ...the bug out contest"
    "Join QRP 'suckers' for the bloody FUN!"
    - Skeeter Hunt Aug 10

  5. Steve,

    Thank Peanut for me! Love that first one and am going to put that up top!/

  6. Sorry we missed OB! ...2015 hunt was fun in spite of rough bands. 73, wGOATs

  7. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Another fun event. I was hoping band conditions would perk up, but, much like those NJ Skeeters, condx sucked. There were some great exceptions though, when in a short spurt of upward QSB, I was able to log a few Q's with our Rocky Mountain brethren. The big skeeter-swatter himself KX0R was heard consistently all afternoon. He must have been using his patented 26 element wire "buzz beam" again- HI. Great to work the Skeeter Master W2LJ on 40 and 20 with big signals on both. I never heard one peep on 15 and didn't have enough wire for 80, but I know a few of our fellow KnightLites were active here in the Tar Heel state. I operated from a nice spot in a field next to Lake Crabtree near Raleigh, although next time I'll look for a spot with some shade (severe meltation). I operated my KX3 with a 4.6 Ah LiFePO4 battery which, so far, has been a consistently reliable power source. Today's antenna was my trusty segmented dipole (40/30/20) set up as an inverted vee on a 20 foot extendable center pole. That's the same setup I used recently in EI-land. Weighs next to nothing and works FB. Many thanks to Larry and the NJQRP gang for sponsoring the Skeeter Hunt. I look forward to it every year. Photo on the way to Larry via e-mail.
    Marc, W4MPS

  8. Fun event, nice blog...
    Curt WA2JSG NJ

  9. Larry:

    I just wanted to let you know that the highlight of my 2020 NJ Skeeter Hunt (my first Skeeter Hunt, by the way) was working W2LJ.

    Glad that I was able to work you since there wouldn't be a Skeeter Hunt without you. Thanks for making it happen.

    Next year I plan on operating from the field instead of from my shack.

    73 de AK4JA
