Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Thank you for your patience!

 Skeeter Hunters!

The certificates from the 2020 Hunt have been printed. I hope to get them mailed later this week, upcoming snow events notwithstanding.

Thank you for your patience!

And for the record, I'd much rather have a hot and humid Skeeter Hunt day over this stuff that we have now, hands down!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

My feelings about now


I went down to the shack last night to retrieve my laptop, which was sitting in its dock. I looked at the thermometer on the wall and it read 58F (14C). Needless to say, I didn't stay long.

We got another two inches of snow over night with more forecasted for the weekend and next Tuesday. Seems we are stuck in a weather pattern that I'd rather not be stuck in.  The temperatures are not supposed to go much above freezing for a while. While December and January were relatively mild and dry, February has decided to tell those two months, "Hold my  beer."

And speaking of wondering how low the temperatures can go, I wonder how low the RTTY signals will go on the bands this coming weekend? It's the CQ WW RTTY Contest this weekend and I'm willing to bet we'll hear RTTY signals all the way down to the ".25" part of all the bands.

I guess it won't matter too much to me as it's too dang cold to sit down there comfortably for any extended length of time, anyway.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

If you were hoping that Field Day would return to "normal" ...

 ARRL to Extend Field Day Rule Waivers from 2020, Add Class D and E Power Limit


The COVID-19 pandemic-modified ARRL Field Day rules from 2020 will continue this June with the addition of a power limit imposed on Class D (Home Stations) and Class E (Home Stations-Emergency Power) participants. The news from the ARRL Board’s Programs and Services Committee comes as many clubs and groups are starting preparations for Field Day in earnest. Field Day 2021 will take place June 26 – 27.

“This early decision should alleviate any hesitancy that radio clubs and individual Field Day participants may have with their planning for the event,” said ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE.

For Field Day 2021:

Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points. This year, however, Class D and Class E stations will be limited to 150 W PEP output.

An aggregate club score will be published — just as it was done last year. The aggregate score will be a sum of all individual entries that attributed their score to that of a specific club.

ARRL Field Day is one of the biggest events on the amateur radio calendar. Last summer, a record 10,213 entries were received.

“With the greater flexibility afforded by the rules waivers, individuals and groups will still be able to participate in Field Day, while still staying within any public health recommendations and/or requirements,” Bourque said.

The preferred method of submitting entries after Field Day is via the web applet. The ARRL Field Day rules include instructions on how to submit entries, which must be submitted or postmarked by Tuesday, July 27, 2021.

The ARRL Field Day web page contains for complete rules and entry forms, as well as any updated information as it becomes available. Join the ARRL Field Day Facebook page.


72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Monday, February 08, 2021


 I'm not about to do a K3WWP and start calling it S#*&^, but I, like John, am growing a distinct distaste for snow.  Last weekend into last Tuesday, we got 19.5 inches (50 cm) of the stuff. Yesterday, we got another 7 inches (18 cm).

And it looks like the weather people are forecasting another 5 inches of snow to come during the middle of this week and even more over the coming weekend. And the temperatures are going to plummet with an accompanying blast of Arctic air. It's "seasonably" cold outside now and my shack temperature is 58F - I can't wait to see what it's going to be later this week!

This is more snow than we've seen in this part of Central New Jersey in about 5 or 6 years. For you folks who get a ton each winter - God bless you! I don't like dealing with it - and my hat is off to you for dealing with yours.

On a side note, my son Joseph is getting tired of helping me deal with it and this is what he wants me to buy.

As appealing as the thought was to me, my answer was "NO!".

On the Ham Radio side of the coin, I did work my good friend Dave KD2FSI as he ran his Heathkit special event station yesterday. I had to hook up the KXPA100 and turn up that wattage. Even then, he could barely hear me - we just live too close to each other for the band conditions that were what they were yesterday. But he did earn his "Veteran's Ears" for pulling my 2X2 SSB signal out of the mud. Thanks, Dave!

He was using an EFHW, so I made the contact using the W3EDP. He wasn't even audible on the Butternut vertical.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Friday, February 05, 2021

Virtual FDIM

Speakers announced by NM0S this morning. FDIM will be held on Saturday, May 22nd.

FDIM 2021 will be held Saturday, May 22, 2021.  This will be a remote, video streamed event.
We have an outstanding roster of speakers lined up, and the presentations will be among our best ever!

Jerry WolczanskiKI4IO"Making an antenna coupler"
Jack PurdumW8TEE"How to Select a Microcontroller for a QRP Project"
Dave BensonK1SWL"The Phaser: FT8 and other tricks"
Hans SummersG0UPL"Reach for the skies: extreme QRP at 35,000 ft"
Dino PappasKL0S"Bench set up with inexpensive test equipment"
Tim SnodgrassKC0DN"Breaking Free of the Sun Spot Cycle"
Ashher FarhanVU2ESE"sBITX - An open source SDR that YOU can hack"
Details regarding reservations and links to the streamed event are still being finalized.  They will be released as soon as they are known.
I hope to see you all at this event!

Thanks, Dave and all at QRP-ARCI who are making this happen!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

This Saturday - FYBO!

 The 2021 QRP Outdoor Contest Season kicks off with FYBO, sponsored by the Arizona ScQRPions - whom I am willing to bet will not be freezing, at all.

For all the rules, please check out http://azscqrpions.org/FYBO

The forecast for my QTH for Saturday is mostly sunny with a high temp of 39F.  Maybe some of the snow that we got (19 & 1/2 inches) Sunday through Tuesday will have melted by then. It would be nice to get a few minutes operating in - I think I might have to confine myself to operating from the Jeep in the driveway using the Buddistick on the rooftop magmount. I don't think any of the parks around here are going to be much fun to operate from. And I certainly wouldn't have the grandiose view to enjoy as pictured above!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP _ When you care to send the very least!