Thursday, October 24, 2024

Realization is settling in

that Autumn is actually here. We've been teased with Summer like temperatures for the past few days, and that's about to end. What's really announcing the change of seasons is the loss of daylight. The early first lights of Summer are long gone, and I leave for work in the morning in darkness. When I arrive home, the sun is already setting. Next weekend, we will change from Daylight Savings Time back to Standard Time and the sun will be setting as I start home from work, and the drive home will mostly be in darkness.

Not sure which I dislike more, the cold or the dark. Probably the dark, as one can always put on an extra sweater or a heavier coat or jacket, but you can't make the mornings or evenings brighter. That takes time and the Earth's axis to make that happen.

The silver lining is that as we head into colder temps, the static crash noise on 160 and 80 Meters goes "pretty much" away until next Spring. I like 80 Meters a lot. In fact I volunteered for Fox duty on 80 Meters for the 2024-2025 QRP Fox Hunt season a few weeks ago. It seemed they were desperate for Foxes, so I figured "Why not?". I was asked if I would do 40 Meters as well, and I agreed, although I stated that 80 Meters was my preference. I guess that must have annoyed "The Committee" as since then, I have not heard back, and I have not been placed on either band schedule, nor have I even been named as an alternate. 

Maybe that's their polite way of telling me that my services are not wanted. Whatever. It may seem like sour grapes, but that sure takes the wind out of my sails from even desiring to participate in the hunts. It's kind of like being picked last to be in the baseball or basketball game when you were in gym as a kid. I've had enough of being told I'm not good enough to last a lifetime.

A day later than expected, my HF9V parts arrived via FedEx from DX Engineering yesterday. As a bonus, the forecast for this Saturday now appears to be another dry day. I know we need rain desperately. It's to the point where New Jersey has instituted an open fire ban. The state is very dry and currently, two wildfires are being battled down in the Pine Barrens. So while I am hoping we get some much needed rain, I am selfishly hoping that it will hold off for just a few more days until after I get my HF9V repair out of the way.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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