I was actually able to hear 90% of the St. Max Net participants last night on 40 Meters without a struggle. The short wave broadcast station heterodyne was absent on 7.241 MHz, making listening a non-effort.
My hearing loss is attributable to my days as a photographer. Back in 1979 I worked for a summer as a photographer for the Public Relations Dept. at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ. One of my tasks was to photograph all of the Friday night concerts. Typically, I photographed from the left side of the stage, exposing my right ear to the full volume of the speakers. I would drive home with that ear ringing. Hearing protection was not even coming into vogue back then. It was only a couple years later that it was brought to the attention of the public as a health concern.
About a year ago, I went for a hearing evaluation at a local office of Miracle Ear. They determined that the hearing loss out of my left ear is "moderate", but the right ear is "severe". They were able to hook me up with a pair of prescription hearing aids that worked very well, but at $4K, I had to say "No thanks." for now.
I'll make due for the meantime.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
What brand of OTC hearing aids worked for you? I've been shopping around.