Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I have to chuckle

The Elecraft KH1 isn't even a year old yet. So what am I seeing on the Elecraft KX/KH e-mail reflector?  "Speculation on the KH2" !

Wow! And it that wasn't enough, someone started expounding on what he'd like to see in a KX4!

I must be weird as my KX3 is now over a decade old and I'm still as happy with it as the day I got it. Now I know some of you may be thinking, "But Larry, you just purchased and are playing around with that QMX!" And you would be correct. But I purchased that to keep in the car for impromptu bouts of "radio activity". The price point was such that if my car ever got broken into, and the radio should become attached to someone's sticky fingers, it would not cause me to go jumping off a cliff like a lemming. i would be devastated if my KX3 ever got lifted, especially knowing whomever stole it would have no idea what it was and the radio would probably end up in a dumpster somewhere as they would probably not be able to fence it.

And in turn, the purchase of the QMX has deepened my appreciation for my KX3 even more. I wasn't even sure that was possible!

I've noticed throughout my Ham Radio career, from experiences gleaned by being members of various clubs and organizations that, in one sense, there are basically two types of Hams. And these two types are similar to car owners. "Type 1" will buy a car (or a radio) and will drive it until the wheels fall off (or the finals give out). "Type 2" has to trade in their car every couple of years for the flashiest new design with all the newest bells and whistles (same with radios). They are forever looking for that "penultimate".

Mind you, this is just an observation, Not meant to be disparaging to one type or the other. The second type that I mentioned surely spears on the economy, that's for sure. And I guess they also supply the market for those who are interested in a "pre-owned: model, perhaps looking for a bargain.

I guess it all goes back to "whatever floats your boat". And perhaps without the "Type 2s"  the radio manufacturers would never be motivated to come up with new designs. So "Thank You!" Type 2's for keeping the innovations coming. If it was just us "Type 1s" out here, we'd probably still be using radios that weigh a ton and have tubes in them.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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