Thursday, September 12, 2024


 On Facebook, ON7RF provided a picture of his "modest" station.

Modest? Maybe in terms of $$$$$, but there's plenty enough there to work the world! Rene definitely has the right idea here - "Do more with less." You don't need an uber station or a kilowatt to work the world, and this is much more fun, IMHO.

Only thing I would change here is to use a paddle.  My wrist gets tired from using a straight key after a while.  Undoubtedly, it's probably just poor technique on my part, but I blame arthritis! LOL!

I saw this on a POTA FB page and saved the image for a closer look. Then I went to the webpage. - they sell their drive on mast holder with two diameters. The larger one will accept masts up to 2.25" (about 6 cm) wide. The bottom cap of the Jackite is just a smidge over 2", so it will fit in there nicely. The mast holder is only $39 - the question is ...... do I really need it? I have to decide whether or not my homebrew mockup is worth keeping. It does the job all right, but it's nowhere as elegant a solution as this one. The other thing is that this one is metal, while mine is wooden. In the long run, I have to believe that this one would undoubtedly hold up better to being driven upon. And whatever I decide, I have to do it sooner, rather than later. Marianne and I are heading back up to Alexandria Bay soon and there are two parks up there that I'd like to activate.

When I worked at Sinar Bron, my boss who was a Swiss engineer, would always want the "most elegant" solution to a problem. Not necessarily the most elegant in appearance, but the best solution in terms of functionality, ability, dependability and sleek design (if possible, but not as necessary). I guess that's where that got ingrained in me.

He had a knack for bringing me down to Earth. When I would solve a problem that seemed to elude everyone else (even the factories who manufactured the equipment that we sold) he would say (in his thick Swiss accent), "Doo, Larry, even the blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while." Real confidence booster, right? Even so, I sorely miss those days. Working at Sinar Bron was probably the best 22 years I've ever spent at a job.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. The flag pole mount website did not work for me but this is what I found:
    Hope this helps those wishing to view some of the flap pole mount options. 73, Gene, K5PA

  2. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Nice qrp shack, the suffix is FR actually 73
