Monday, March 10, 2025


Sorry that I have not been posting much lately, as I've been dealing with some personal health issues. But I received some good news lately (I think) and I thought I'd share. On Friday February 28th, I went to the hospital for a same day procedure - a transesophageal  echocardiogram (Oh, what fun!). The cardiologists wanted a closer look at my heart than the standard echocardiogram provided. Anyway, I was told my mitral valve leak is considered "trivial", so I'm pretty sure that's good news. Looks like I won't be needing that clip installed after all!

I go for a follow up visit this Wednesday, and I guess I'll hear more about whether or not they think I need a defibrillator installed as I have an irregular heartbeat. Good thing I'm a QRP'er, huh?

The weather is starting to turn warmer here in Central NJ and the shack is warming up from the deep freeze we've had this Winter, so I'll be able to spend time down there without turning on the space heater. As it happens, PSE&G, our energy provider, was granted a rate increase by the NJ Board of Public Utilities. Our January bill was a shocker with a hefty increase, so I don't want to plug that heater in unless it's absolutely necessary!

Now onto Amateur Radio stuff. I received an e-mail from a Mom whose son is working on his Signs, Signals and Code Merit Badge and they actually found some of the content here useful! That just blew me away! I am so glad that someone was able to find something here to be of value! Thanks so much Annie and Kyle!

And if that wasn't enough, Kyle came upon a website that goes into the timeline of the evolution of telecommunications, from ancient times, right up to our present day satellite and wireless cellular technologies.  I am adding that to the links portion so you can all enjoy it as well. Again, thanks so much  Annie and Kyle, not only for the link, but also for your very kinds words!

This blog is my labor of love for Amateur Radio, QRP and Morse Code. I don't monetize it, it just makes me happy to share my passion with like minded folks. I'm thrilled when someone finds something useful that I post - it's really gratifying. As always, thanks so much to all of you who come here to read this humble little blog. There's really no point to it without you! 

So as I get back into the swing of things and start getting more active again, I'll be posting more and more. Believe me, I'd rather spend time in the shack and writing posts here than concentrating on health issues. But as my dear departed Mom used to say - "Larry, don't get old!" and I used to answer - "Not much I can do about that, Mom!"

72  de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!