Save the date! It's not too early to plan to carve out some time for yourself during the weekend of April 12th. That's the date of the QRP-ARCI Spring QSO Party!
It's a 6 hour Sprint, that begins at 0000 UTC Saturday morning on April 12th (that would be Friday evening April 11th here in the USA). Of course, put in whatever time you can, but please make an effort to get on the air and participate, even if it's just for a little while! Last year in 2024, we had 16 QRPers send in a log to the Autolog at
You do NOT have to be a member of QRP-ARCI to participate, but keep in mind that QRP-ARCI literally has thousands of members - certainly we can easily surpass the number of 2024 entries with ease! As an added bonus we're at the top of Cycle 25! So if you're a regular participant, thanks so much and join us again! If you haven't been in a QRP-ARCI Sprint in a while (or ever!), dust off that rig, fire it up and join in on the fun!
Rumor has it that certificates may be in the offering for the top scorers!
72 de Larry W2LJ - QRP-ARCI Contest Manager
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
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