In a way, it's a good thing this happened, as it's compelling me to get the certificates out for the 2024 Hunt. These stupid healthcare problems really have thrown me for a loop since last September. I apologize for the delay. I've also given the bonus for 2025 more thought and we're going to play Skeeter Blackjack. Work enough stations to have their call sign districts add up to 21 and you'll get the bonus points. The 0 area call signs will count as a face card worth 10 points.
For example, if you work N0MII NK9G and W2LJ - that 10 + 9 +2, equaling 21.. You could also work, for instance K4BAI, N5GW, K3RLL and WB9HFK and that would also add up to 21. Any number of call signs would work, even if you ended up working ten 2 area call signs and one 1 area call sign! Whatever it takes - I think this is a pretty easy concept to understand and should be fairly easy to accomplish. Of course, as part of the Log Summary, each entry will have to list the call signs worked to prove that they are eligible for the bonus points.
I also decided to participate in the Flying Pigs Run for the Bacon last night. It actually got up into the low 70s yesterday and the basement was comfortable enough to sit in without turning on the space heater. Beginning at 23:00 UTC, I started calling "CQ FP" on 20 Meters and worked a couple of stations. After a while, I switched over to "hunt and pounce" and after more than just a few dial twiddles, I heard no one and moved on down to 40 Meters.
40 Meters was wall to wall Virginia QSO Party stations and I only heard one solitary Piggie calling CQ around 7.030 MHz and worked him. Then, as it was getting close to 00:00 UTC, I went and checked into the St. Max Net at around 23:50 UTC. A lot of stations participated last night and at about 00:25 UTC, when the net closed, I went back to the lower part of 40 Meters to see if I could work a few more FP's. No dice, this time it was wall to wall SST stations. It was nice to be on the air, but at the same time a bit disappointing to work only three Flying Pigs. According to the RBN, I was getting out really well last night. Orange is 40 Meters, Purple is 20 Meters - and a vast majority of my signals were being heard at double digit dB levels above the noise floor.
Wednesday night is the monthly NAQCC Sprint. I am planning to participate in that for the first time in a very long time. I've been having trouble sleeping of late. I think I've been turning in too early as I fall asleep fairly quickly, but wake up around 2:00 AM and then I'm not able to fall back asleep for another hour or so. After the Flying Pigs Sprint last night, I went to sleep a bit later than I'm used to as of late and pretty much slept the whole night through. So once more, it's Amateur Radio to the rescue!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
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