Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Pinch Hitting

I will be pinch hitting for Dan N7CQR in the 40 Meter QRP Fox Hunt tonight.  I wasn't planning on volunteering as a Fox anymore as these Hunts run late, I get wired after a session and generally don't fall asleep until around Midnight.  All this with a 5:00 AM wake up call for work. Maybe I can get in a catnap between dinner and 8:30 PM.

The Committee sent me an e-mail as they were in a bind. Against my better judgment, I agreed to the assignment. I hate seeing folks in a bind if I can help. I will probably be a zombie at work tomorrow.

Anyway, if you're so inclined, you can listen for me tonight beginning at 9:00 PM EDT and ending at 10:30 PM EDT, somewhere between 7.030 and 7.050 MHz. If you hear me, I will give your call sign, and then my half of the exchange which is  RST, State, Name, Power Out. Your assignment is to come back to me with your info - RST, your State, your Name, your Power Out.

I'll be working split from the beginning. If you've never tried hunting a QRP Fox before, maybe you'd like to give it a try!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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