Thursday, July 18, 2024

Annoyed with Facebook

I posted a link to the "Such is the way of life" post immediately below this one to the South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club Facebook page. Drew was a member and I thought the members would like to know that his call sign was re-assigned. 

Facebook informed me that my post was removed because it violated "Community Standards" and was deemed to be spam.

At the other club that I belong to, the Electronic Testing Society of New Jersey, we set up a memorial scholarship fund in Drew's memory. I guess we can't call it the W2OU Fund anymore. I was going to post the blog link there as well, but I guess that would have been removed, too. Besides, two instances probably would have gotten me banned from Facebook, at least temporarily if not permanently.

WTH, Facebook? Do you guys actually read this stuff; or is it just bots looking for stuff they don't even understand?

Feeling annoyed - I could use another term, but I'll choose to watch my language.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least


  1. Dave KZ1O6:43 PM

    Larry, read your post about 2 minutes after reading this. Sounds like similar dumb stuff going on at FB

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    They must have changed something in their stupid algorithms because e.g. the SOTA-group is also dealing with posts continuously being removed the last few days.
    73, Martin PE1EEC/PE6X

  3. I tried FB years ago. Lasted a few weeks. Then, bye bye. Same for Twitter. I xed Twitter before it became XXXXX. I follow a few HR blogs, and QRZ (all with moderation).
