Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A couple of thoughts

post Skeeter Hunt. Here's a map of my QSOs, courtesy of K2DSL's mapping site.

Nothing to write home about, no Herculean effort, but fun just the same - and really, that is what the Skeeter Hunt is all about. As someone much wiser than me has said, "The fun is in the journey, not the destination."

I was starting to process summary results last night. I only got about a dozen done as I had several other things on the agenda last night. What struck me though, is I'm already almost to the point of receiving the same amount of summaries from non-Skeeter numbered ops as last year. If this trend continues, it may well surpass that. That tells me that word is getting out there, maybe late or whatever, but the Hunt seems to be growing in participation, which is a good thing.

I'll continue to slog through the slew of Skeeter summaries tonight, after dinner. This is almost as enjoyable as the Hunt itself, because I get to hear from you guys. I'm also copying any soapbox comments I get to the Skeeter Hunt Facebook page, along with photos.

Update on the QMX - according to FedEx, it arrived in Belgium from Turkey late last evening. I guess it will be loaded onto a plane headed for the US either today or tomorrow. UPDATE: Heard from FedEx, delivery is tomorrow. Yay!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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