Saturday, August 24, 2024

Jerry N9AW, Silent Key

N9AW Jerry Scherkenbach an avid QRP’er passed away August 22,2024. Jerry since the 80’s has been active in QRP contesting and operating events. He was also active in the QRP Foxhunts as a FOX and a Hound . He has served on the Fox Hunts Committee for a few years.  Jerry was a member of the Greater Milwaukee DX Association, W/K Amateur Radio Club of Greater Milwaukee, QRP Cheeseheads A.R.C.. He was cofounder of the W/K Amateur Radio Club and the QRP Cheeseheads Amateur Radio Club. Jerry will be remembered for being a kind and soft spoken gentleman and a mentor for so many hams from all walks of life. He traveled to St. Lucia withe Buddipole DX Team and made some 5K CW QSO’s in a week of operating. The Amateur Radio Community has lost a great mentor and contributor to promote the absolute best in Amateur Radio.

Jerry is survived by his wife Joyce, sons Patrick Randy, stepson Ryan and Daughter Jill.

Please remember Jerry and his family in your prayers

Submitted by NK9G  Rick

I did not know Jerry from the 80s. I first met him on the air in 2004. It was probably in some QRP Sprint, or perhaps even the QRP Fox Hunts. Jerry's signal was always loud to New Jersey and I knew that if I heard a super loud QRPer in my shack it was either him, Rick NK9G, or Todd N9NE - my "Minnesota / Wisconsin Pipeline".

We served together on the QRP Foxhunt Committee for a couple of years. He was easy and fun to work with, a true gentleman in every sense of the word.. It's not a lie or exaggeration to say that Jerry was one of the pillars of the QRP community. He will be very sorely missed.

Rest in Peace, my friend.

72 de Larry W2LJ 

QRP  - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Have him in the log many times and sorry to get this news.
    RIP Jerry. See you again soon. 73 de Jeff KE9V

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    So sorry to hear this news and sorry for your loss. Jerry was an awesome guy, always friendly and welcoming. I first met him, like many people, through ham radio, in my case back around 1990. Likely by either the Greater Milwaukee DX Association, or our mutual friend Paul Hellenberg KS9K.

    He will be missed!
    73 OM ... -.-
    Chad WE9V, Bristol, WI
    (posting this right after KE9V....WE9V, what are the odds?)
