Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Probable double skunk

In tonight's 20 Meter QRP Foxhunt, which is the last for the 2009 Summer season.

I heard Dick N5KIP work both the upper and lower Fox, so I have a fairly good idea of where to listen. And I'm not hearin' nuthin', except for Dick who in Louisiana was ear splitting loud into New Jersey!

Anyway, I will listen for the next hour or so until the hunt is over; but I've been doing this long enough now to know that it will probably be futile tonight. BUT, I'm still hoping for the best, nonetheless.

Tonight's Foxes are Tom AC7A in Arizona and Jeff VE1ZAC in Nove Scotia. The way 20 Meters has been this Summer, I don't really expect to even hear Jeff; but I do have some expectations of hearing Tom.

Fingers are crossed!

73 de Larry W2LJ

PostScript: At 0140 UTC someone in the neighborhood turned something on; and the noise level went from moderate to 10 over 9, thus ending the hunt for W2LJ for the night. Which is just as well, I guess, as I am exhausted and almost nodded off twiddling the tuning dial on the K2.

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