Sunday, March 21, 2010

Picking up steam

Now that the "U11 Incident" (sounds like a good title for a WWII U-Boat movie) is behind me and I have the receiver on the PFR3A working, I have really picked up steam. Good progress is being made. I have breezed through the Group 4 section, the Low Pass Filters; and am now into the Group 5 section for the SWR Bridge and the Balanced Line Tuner.

When this is over, the circuit board will be completed and final testing and the final wiring can begin. I anticipate this all being done rather soon. Next weekend looks busy with Cara's final cheerleading competition for the season. But between a few scattered weeknights (no more Foxhunts until Summer) and a long weekend for Easter (I get Good Friday off), I should be able to finish this kit up. Hopefully, all will continue to go swimmingly; and I will be able to take this little yellow box out with me for QRPTTF at the end of April. That's the goal, anyway.

The entire experience from start to finish will be re-evaluated at the end; but even though things are going well now, this has not been the nicest kit building experience I have ever gone through. I am sincerely hoping that the radio's performance will diminish the negative memories and that the balance sheet will show black ink instead of red when all is said and done.

Time will tell.

72 de Larry W2LJ

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